Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Healthcare and Biomedical Sciences

Technological advancement & new innovations have certainly revolutionized the biomedical industry. Diseases that could not be cured in the past are now easily treated. In the past, if a person were to contract diabetes, he would await his pancreas to slowly destroy his body and take away his life. Now we no longer 'contract' diabetes, we live with diabetes. It is made possible to carry on with our daily lives with such living conditions. My mom is a diabetic and dedicates her life to helping others with the same conditions. There was a time, two months before she got married, she fell into a diabetic comma. Almost to the last brink of hope, a doctor tested her for diabetes, and just in time, they were able to inject insulin into the body. Without proper treatment, diabetics, even if they were able to survive the disease, have many related complications that prevent them from leading a normal healthy life. However, my mom was still able to give birth to a pair of twins against the odds. I'm alive today largely because of the progress of healthcare technology. Need I say more about the impact of this progress?

I classify this positive impact into 3 categories. Treatment, Recreation and Outreach.
Treatment- This refers to the the breakthroughs in medical research, and how this research has saved countless of lives. A person with short sightedness would go blind if we did not innovate. Fast forward a little, now lasik is the trend, removing the whole problem instead of just treating it. We had a presentation in class on how scientists are getting down to the root of the problem of Malaria. We are cable of issuing immunizations without the side effects, that prevent diseases before we have to cure it. There also has been much progress in food & nutrition. Aside having pills for almost everything, we have organic this, organic that, things that enhance health, its not just about maintenance anymore.

Recreation- Health as a hobby, health as a lifestyle. New & better infrastructure built; pools, gyms, stadiums etc. More programs and courses for the taking. From yoga to dance, its becoming a trend to take our health seriously. Look at how many people sign up for the standard chartered marathon each year. Its a growing trend, and if you're concerned about public health, that would be good news.

Outreach- Health Education. The internet is a tool that has been a catalyst for healthcare growth. Not only is it used to store all our medical records as we learnt from one of the presentations, it is used to disseminate information about health. People can treat themselves online, people can find out more about the medicines they have to take. You don't need to travel far and wide these days to get medical advice or to purchase medicine. the availability of healthcare has become widespread.

This is the bright and idealistic side of healthcare. Like I said, there is no denying this bright side of healthcare. However, the weakness of man has once again come into play. Health like any other business in the tertiary sector is a business. It is a service, just like education or banking. However, healthcare has always been treated within some moral boundaries. Healthcare, by virtue is to provide health and care, not to feed on patients money. The large percentage of global GDP spent on healthcare can be both a good and bad thing. The question is how much of this money is being used for good, and how much of it is simply driven by greed and unessacary inflation. We create problems so we can cure them, and so we can make money out of that cure. And as much as we celebrate the progress in healthcare, the people that need the technology the most are not receiving. As an effective business, its not really working out. Healthcare cannot be measured by looking at a screen in wall street, insurance cannot be about how you're gonna get the highest return of investment. If we go down this road further, healthcare could be yet another cause for the increase in worldwide disparity and inequality.

In the movie Patch Adams, dean walcott, representing everything wrong about the healthcare system says: " Our job is to rigorously and ruthlessly train the humanity out of you and make you into something better. We're gonna make doctors out of you. " As ridiculous as it seems,  we should look into ourselves before we start pointing the finger. Are you more concerned of health or wealth? Cure or profit? People or money? Healing or Power?

Class rating: 9


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