Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The topic of ICT usually brings a certain amount of stress to me. I used to tell myself "I can't keep up with this, its for the IT experts" or "I don't like computers". But I was then greatly deceived, ICT is not about just computers, its about people. Furthermore, the whole ICT revolution is driven by the fact that it is for the masses, not the just the IT whiz. It is indeed an "Internet for dummies". I started embracing the wonders of the internet when I started using Skype as a tool to contact a love one overseas. It's an amazing yet simple tool. Technology that I could never fathom when I was growing, made possible by a few clicks of the mouse, DIY, instructions included. But what drew me to the technology was not how amazing its functions were, but rather the emotions that the functions allowed me to feel. When I talk to my love ones over Skype, the distance is not felt and suddenly, they're right there in front of you.

It is the human touch in the programs that marvels me. That was what struck me about the video prof Shahi showed in class on the capabilities of gaming technology. The character in the video was able not only to interact with the 'live' user, he was also able to 'feel'. There was an not only IQ, there was an element of EQ displayed. He demonstrated certain emotions such as 'mischief' which was captured so well with the way his facial features and movement. Characters that are able to translate not only words and numbers, but emotions, now thats amazing. It's a scary thought however, to have machines being able to read and analyze things for themselves. We are in the age where artificial intelligence is not a distant idea anymore. Robots and machines helping man with tasks is no longer a thing that will happen in the future, it is happening NOW. How is man going to embrace it? There lies the issue. If we reject its use, are we stopping progress and denying the future generations off something that can improve their lives. I correct myself, its not really for us to decide, its coming whether we like it or not.

I was in the train the other day and decided to see for myself, make a bet with myself rather, how many people on the crowded train had their eyes glued to an iphone screen. I took a quick glance around, and the statistics shocked me, there was a good half of the people using iphones, thats not including those who had their iphones in their bag (ok who would keep it in their bags really?), those who were just listening to music with their earphones (under-utilizing the amazing functions of this technology) or those on their way to buy one. Yes, that many people surf the net on the go, on the go where? Probably to somewhere with better internet connection for net surfing… "Those conformers" I thought to myself and took out my trusty non 3G phone. But it truly is amazing how technology that used to make our jaws open wide in wonder when we were young is now impacting so many people. It has become a norm. It has become so much a norm that it is abnormal NOT to have an iphone. iPhone Apps are as good a business, making a mere 200 million dollars each month. iPhone users have formed a community and soon they might form the majority. I might go get myself one.

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